Tech incubator, Science Inc. have funded a start-up service which can be used to measure the success of marketing campaigns on Pinterest.
‘HelloInsights’ is an analytics platform which will target the brands who wish to run a marketing campaign on the social media site as well as maintaining the core essence of Pinterest.
The analytics tool was originally started as a means to interpret their own portfolio, but eventually expanded, providing the service to other companies.
HelloInsights allows users to review their overall influence managing campaigns on Pinterest with the use of their measurement and monitoring tools.
A streamlined and lightweight version has been released out to companies at no cost to assist them in thinking more strategically when it comes to their marketing methods on Pinterest.
As there is currently no obvious way to measure any data on the social network site, the analytics tool is being targeted by retailers and other businesses as a way to optimize and measure their campaign’s success.
HelloInsights shows its users comparison charts, Twitter streams, information of the biggest pinner, a seamless integration with Google Analytics as well as other data.
Up till now, only a few companies have taken advantage of the analytics and since February the company has tracked over 1 million user acquisitions, 8 million page views, and tons of revenue for companies.
Although there are plans to charge for the service soon through deeper campaign integration consulting, it is currently free for everyone to use and gives users the chance to schedule pins to their account whilst also reviewing customised charts. These can then be compared to competitors by combining the analytics.
250 companies are currently using the service ranging from small, individually-owned companies up to Fortune 500 organisations.
HelloInsights say that they are opening up their service to start getting people involved, little bits at a time.
What do you make of this new analytic tool? Will you be taking advantage of it?
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