Tuesday 22 October 2013

Everything you need to know to get started on LinkedIn #infographic

When it comes to B2B marketing and communications, LinkedIn is considered the most effective platform of all because it drives more traffic and more leads, creating various marketing opportunities for professionals and brands.LinkedIn is the largest professional social network in the world and has been growing in importance both for individuals as well as for companies.
But why is that?
To answer this question one must understand how LinkedIn differs from Facebook, Twitter and co.
When you are thinking about how to best utilise LinkedIn for yourself as a professional or for your company, the first step is not concerned with how to grow your network, what content to share or how to create the perfect update; it’s about understanding how LinkedIn works.
To be successful on it, the first requirement is to be familiar with the specifics of the social network, what it’s all about and what it offers. Otherwise you won’t be able to use its power to your benefit.
This is where the following infographic comes in place. It offers all the important facts and figures about LinkedIn to help you develop a thorough understanding of how it works, who uses it and for what purposes and so to adequately develop your strategy.
Being LinkedIn savvy

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